Sunday, February 14, 2010


I was talking to my mom about my nightmares yesterday and she told me I should write them down and since this is kinda like my journal this is where I'll do it.

A couple of nights ago I woke up and this is the nightmare that woke me.  

"Nick had died while I was with him.  I don't know how or where, but we were in a white place and I was talking with heavenly father and asking him if I could go too.  He told me I had to stay on earth and that I couldn't come with Nick.  I was begging heavenly father to let me go too or make Nick stay and he said that Nick had work to do in heaven so he had to come to heaven and I had to take care of Cicily so I had to stay on earth."

Needless to say I woke up crying and didn't go back to bed.
Nick gave me a blessing the next night before I went to sleep because I was so distraught all day, and this is what I dreamed that night.

"I was walking down the stairs at the conference center in Salt Lake to the parking garage and at the bottom of the stairs was President Eyring and President Uchtdorf and as I came down the stairs they were going up and President  Eyring turned to me and said You know that dream you had last night it was a warning."

So of coarse I was crying again and didn't go back to bed.  I talked to Nick about it and after he left I went upstairs and prayed fervently to heavenly father to protect him and help him listen to the spirit so that he would stay alive and this is what came to me. 

"Be still and know that I am God.  I love you , and I will protect you and help you.  I will protect your husband if he will listen to the promptings of the spirit."

I felt so much better and a sense of peace. So I called Nick and told him he better listen to any promptings no matter how small.


Aaron said...

No one wants to have dreams like that, if I was there I would give you a big hug and tell you that I love you, and go do something girly with you. I am grateful that the Lord gave you peace, comfort, and instruction. Remind Nick every morning to listen to the spirit, I'm sure you already do. I love you guys.

The Frasers said...

I don't like that story. Can you please tell one with a hppy ending now?