Friday, February 19, 2010

Tubes in the Ears!

Today we took our little girl to get tubes in her ears.  After like 6 ear infections in the last year the Ear Nose and Throat doctor thought it was best to get the tubes to hopefully stop the ear infections.  We hope it works.  We hate having a sick little girl.  We got to the surgical center bright and early in the morning.  Got her all checked in.  Waited till it was our turn.  Then went back and got her all dressed for surgery.  She got a yellow hospital gown with Coyote and Roadrunner on it, little white socks, and a blue hat for her hair.  There was a little play area for her to play in till she went in to surgery.  So we hung out there and talked to the doctors and the nurse.  Then they took Cicily away for the surgery and we went back out to the waiting room.  The surgery went really fast it only took 7 minutes.  She was really upset when she woke up though.  The nurses said it was because she felt drunk and didn't really understand what she was feeling and it was really uncomfortable.  She's done really well today considering the only thing she doesn't like is getting her ear drops.


Aaron said...

Glad it went so well. I hope they fix the problem. I love that little girl.

Heather said...

poor little cici. hope she is feeling better now. love you guys