Sunday, February 14, 2010

My Husband!

My husband is the greatest in the world.  He's sweet, kind, and always thinking of others.  He worries about me and our daughter.  Trying hard to always balance work, school, and our family.  He always wishes he had more time to spend with us.  He holds me when I need to be held and knows how to get me to talk when I don't want to, but need to.  He knows the right things to say when I'm upset.  He listens to me and always tries to help me be the best I can.  He remembers every holiday, birthday, and anniversary, and is usually first to say happy valentines, anniversary, or other.  He loves to dance and make people happy.  If someone asks for help he's almost always there. And what does it say about him that when I was 12 I realized I wanted to marry him and compared every other guy I dated to him and no one was ever better then him. 

1 comment:

Mary said...

Aw, this is so sweet. We're sure lucky to be married to Bruderer men, aren't we? Love you guys!