We just watched the launch of the space shuttle discovery from our apartment! It was amazing! It was awe inspiring!
We could see it better then in the picture and the video. It was amazing we were listening to the count down on the TV and watching out the window. All of a sudden the trees were light from behind like fire was behind them and the shuttle shot from behind the trees. We could see the shuttle for a few seconds, but then it looked like a comet shooting into the sky it had a huge tail behind it. The Video and picture don't do it justice.

the video looks more like a UFO. I looks like a random light jumping all over but never really going up from the launch pad. lol but that's cool that you got to see it from your apt. I thought you lived in Orlando. What city are you guys in?
Orlando, I took the video with my phone so it's not the best quality.
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