Wednesday, August 19, 2009

We made it!

So all of us made it to Florida. Nick's been down here for a couple of weeks, but Cicily and I only arrived yesterday. I was kinda scared to fly with Cicily, because she doesn't like sitting still at all. She tried to run away 3 times in the airport. When we were boarding the plane I was carrying her and she was screaming and kicking, I'm pretty sure several people were afraid they were going to have to sit next to us. Luckily she wore herself out getting on the plane cause as soon as we sat down she went to sleep. I was soooooo happy she slept for 2 hours, and the couple we sat next to were really nice and sweet. Their children didn't have any kids so they've adopted one of thier friends grandchildren and act like her grandparents. Everyone on the plane thought Cicily was adorable. She only got upset twice on the plane, becuase I wouldn't let her run around. The second time she moved her diaper somehow tying to get away and peed all over herself and me. Unlucky for us the plane didn't have any changing tables. (we asked). A couple of guys acrossed the aisle from us came over and let me change Cicily on thier seats. It really helped alot! Luckily I also had a change of clothes for her. Then when we landed the sweet couple next to me helped me with my bags till we saw Nick. Orland airport has a tram you have to ride to get to your luggage Cicily really liked it alot. Nick was sooo happy to see us, and he was watching where our flight was in the air so he knew we were 20 min. early. At first when we stepped out in to the humidity it was really strong, but now I don't think it's so bad it just feels like you just got out of the shower. I think Cicily really likes it, becuase she loves baths. There are tons of trees everywhere! I really kinda like it here.


Mary said...

I'm so glad you're liking it there so far! I think you'll really have a fun time over the next 5 months. Love you!

Heather said...

I'm glade you are enjoying it thus far. I was a little worried about you. When you were here and we were talking about FL I could here in your voice that you were a little scared. But we have moved so many times you are an expert!
And don't forget to post pictures of Micky Mouse! Keely will love them, but she will probably just say Cici a lot..

Mary said...

Hey lady, it's been almost a week and a half since your last post. Let's not let this become a habit, k? We need lots of news and pictures of your adventures down south. :)