Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Lost Wallet!

Over the last couple of days Nick and I have been tearing apart our room, the house and our car trying to find his wallet. We could not find it anywhere. We had been praying as well. Then this morning I put Cicily on the floor in our room and said maybe she'll find it. She crawled over to the door, meaning she wanted to go downstairs. So I took her downstairs and set her on the floor. I sat down and was reading the newspaper when I heard her playing with something under the computer desk. So I looked down and she had Nick's wallet! We were so happy! Mike made the comment "Never send a man to do a child's job"(Reinactment)


Mary said...

Good posts! You are well on your way to becoming a pro mommy-blogger. Love the pictures. :)

Heather said...

good now you can pay me for the hair cut! lol good job cicily.