Friday, February 27, 2009

Carisa Needs!

Here's what you do:

Go to google and google your name with the word 'needs' after it. Put it all in quotes like this:

"Harvey needs" or "Darren needs"

Make a list of the first 10 things that make sense that google spits out. Tag anyone you're interested in having do this. This is actually quite funny!

Disclaimer: these aren't really me!

(the stuff in parentheses are my commentary)

Carisa needs...

1. to be profiled and popularised within the broader research community as well as the South African population in general.

2. to collect and process certain elements of your Personal Data in the course of the registration

3. a verbal kick in the teeth, though. I don't see how the final product was all her idea. Her donut idea was kind of silly to begin with

4. to apologize to her husband, Thomas for kidnapping their baby when he forbid her from seeing him because of her drinking habits.

5. personal attention and compliments for assignments well done. while carisa is very stable

6. a beach day

7. to go home. That's all.

8. 3 tables to eat on.

9. a hug.

10. not to always be afraid, sooner or later, there will be a triumph over difficulties! Yes, Carisa is strong enough to get over this.

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