We're going to have a problem later on if she's already finding her Chistmas presents. I mean she's only 1 1/2!

Sunday, December 20, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
18 months
Cicily went in for her 18 month appointment last week, and got all her shots. She was 21 1/2 pounds and 31 inches tall. I had someone at Disney this last week ask if she was almost a year, so ya she's still really small. We found out at the visit that Cicily had another ear infection though which is really sad expecialy since she had one last month as well. The doctor said if this one dosn't clear up or if she gets another fairly soon Cicily will have to go to an ear nose and throat doctor. She probly end up having tubes in her ears.
Disney World!
Well our adventure here in Florida is coming to an end. We've had a lot of fun and we're trying to get a few more trips to Disney world in. Here are a few pictures of our latest visit.
Cicily visited the aliens. They thought she was thier leader.
Then someone thought she was a toy and packaged her.
Don't worry though Buzz and Woody saved her.
She thanked them!
Then met up with daddy for some popcorn.
After that we met up with Mickey and his friends.
And daddy was able to get us pictures with Mickey and all his friends together!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
All the little things
Cicily has been doing a lot of little things that I just really haven't mentioned on here. Like last week she started smiling when we say smile. It's really cute.
She gives high fives, and kisses. She's also starting to try and say more words. Here is a list although incomplete of words she's been trying to say.
She gives high fives, and kisses. She's also starting to try and say more words. Here is a list although incomplete of words she's been trying to say.
oh no
She's said more, but I can't think of what else right now. She also does a little sign language like food, more, please, and sorry. She loves playing hide and seek right now. She even hides. She likes playing tag. She loves nursery, and going to Disney World.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
So Cute!
Cicily has been so adorable the last few days. She's been trying to do summersaults and what can only be described as yoga? lol She's learned to take off her own clothes as well and has been naked most of today because of that. She's also relized that she can reach her big toe to her mouth and now sucks on it fairly often. lol. It's just funny to watch her growing up. She's saying new words all the time and always wants to talk to papa on the phone. Every time I pick it up she now says papa over and over. She'll tell me she wants juice and gets upset if I give her water. She's also become very social and waves to everyone we pass if we go outside, and says bye. Another thing she does is help put the groceries away, it was funny watching her try to carry the milk.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Our first Thanksgiving alone!
This year Thanksgiving was just a little different for us. Since we're in Florida we were to far away from family to visit. So we had our own Thanksgiving. Just our little family. The day before Thanksgiving I started making dinner so I wouldn't have to do everything the day of. I made the pumpkin pie and the deviled eggs.
Then bright and early in the morning I stuffed the turkey and put it in the oven, made a banana cream pie, took a break while Nick made the sweet potatoes, made the green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, and gravy. And while we were doing all that Cicily was watching the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade and she was waving at all the floats and people on the TV it was really cute. Then right about the time the Turkey was finishing cooking the Carbon Monoxide alarm goes off. At first I was kinda confused because I was thinking it was the fire alarm, but we didn't have any smoke in the house. So I went out side to check if it was the building alarm, because we live in an apartment so it could have been someone else, But it wasn't the building alarm. So I went back inside and looked at the alarm and I realized it was the Carbon Monoxide detector so then I'm panicking wondering what we should do, because dinner had just finished and we had a large thanksgiving dinner just sitting there. It was very frustrating. So we opened all the windows in our apartment, the door too, and Cicily and I sat outside while Nick went to the front office to see if there was anyone there to talk to. Of course no one was there on Thanksgiving though. So Nick called his dad to see what he thought. We all felt fine and we figured it was from all the cooking since our stove and oven is gas and since the heat hasn't been on at all. So Nick reset the detector and it didn't go off again after an hour of airing out.
Luckily most of the food was still hot or warm at least to have our Thanksgiving dinner after that little episode. I think we did pretty good on dinner for cooking my first turkey, banana pie, pumpkin pie, and gravy. It all turned out great even with being sick. Cicily loved Thanksgiving dinner too she had a little bit of everything and even pointed out a couple things she wanted more of.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Disney World!
Here are some more pictures from Mary and Rachels stay I just thought they were really cute and needed a shout out.
Disney World,
Monday, November 16, 2009
Mary and Rachel Visit!
Sunday, November 8, 2009

This year we also took Cicily Trick-or-Treating she loved her princess costume and was continualy trying to take it out of the closet. We went to the mall for the Trick-or-Treating because we felt it would be easier with Cicily. We had to watch her fairly close, because she kept trying to take off and hide.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Hollywood Studios!

Cicily and I went to Hollywood Studio's yesterday, and we hung out with a few of daddy's friends. Cicily loves the characters she would spend all day with them if she could. We went to a few of the shows and she loved the playhouse puppet show it was a lot of fun.

Disney World,
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Today was very frustrating. I couldn't get ahold of the person that usualy gives Cicily and I a ride to church. I called 3 times and left a message. Then I called the relief society president and asked for her help in getting a ride (this was 2 hours before church). She never called me back and no one ever called me. I tried calling her again 10 min. before church was suposed to start and there was no answer so as you can guess, I didn't make it to church. If I could have walked to church I would have, but it's several miles away and I have Cicily. Oh and while I was trying to find a ride I was also getting us ready to go to church, prepareing a nursery lesson, and Cicily was crying the whole time. And since I didn't make it to church I have no idea who is going to take care of the nursery which has around 15 to 18 kids and hardly any help, because no one shows up, kinda like me today!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Sick Cicily
Poor Cicily. She's been sick for the last couple of days so Nick and I took her to the doctor today. We found out that she had strep throught and an ear infection. Poor baby. I just hope she gets more sleep tonight then she did last night.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Silly Cicily!
Cicily has become quite a bit more entertaining these last few weeks. Here are some of her adventures.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Five Year Anniversary!

It had a ton of twists, turns, and speed to go with Arosmith's music.

After that we went to lunch in Mexico at Epcot. It was really good! We had a Duck Taco appetizer, lemonade, Nick had the Mai Mai, and I had a steak that melted in my mouth it was amazing! The duck taco's were awesome as well. I told Nick he has to go duck hunting every year now, so I can try and replicate it. The atmosphere was really cool too. As you can kinda see in the picture it really felt like we were in Mexico with the Aztec ruins. Oh and the volcano really erupted it was awesome.

In addition to what I've written about the fun we had I just wanted to say a few things like I can't believe it's been 5 years already, but at the same time it feels like we were never apart, and I couldn't imagine life without him. It's amazing how much has changed in the last 5 years and thinking ahead the next 5 years will only have more change, and more adventures that I wouldn't want with anyone else.
I love you Nick! May we always have great adventures!
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