Monday, July 18, 2011

Zoo, 4th of July, Other odds and ends

Renick now smiles and coos he also loves to blow bubbles!

So we all went to the zoo Cicily loved the bird show and the elephants.  The zoo also had a ton of dinosaurs Cicily and Rachel love little play dinosaurs the big ones not so much they started to get over their fear towards the end though.

 The 4th of July we set off fireworks and Cicily and Renick had Sparklers.  Renick was board as ever. lol

 Today Cicily wanted to wash the dishes and of course she wanted to do it herself this is the result.  I did have to go back and wash them, but I would like her to want to do work so I was willing.

Cicily accidently got scrached by a friends dog when they were playing fetch the dog just got to excited and wanted the ball before Cicily had thrown it. 
These are just a few other things that I thought were cute. 

1 comment:

Mrs. Fray Fray said...

I like the carosel picture with you and cicy you look super good there!