Tuesday, July 6, 2010
I know I've been horrible lately about updating our blog so let me tell ya what's been going on lately. We moved to our second apartment of the summer which also means we're half way done with our South Carolina trip. Cicily and I have been spending a lot more time out doors because it's not as hot here as it was in Columbia still hot though. We've done quite a bit of swimming and I'm starting to get rid of my farmers tan yay. Oh I've lost some weight too I don't know how much owing to the fact that I don't have a scale, but I'm down to a size 7 where I was a 10 before I left I'm very happy about that. My goal before I go back to Utah is a size 5 so not to lofty if I happen to lose more I wouldn't be unhappy though. :) 4th of July was fun, because it was Sunday so that meant that Nick was actually home yay! So we got to light off fireworks and we went to our new ward which is supper small, but everyone is very nice. I love the feeling of family you get from a small ward. Cicily had a hard time with the fireworks her favorites were the roman candles and the mortars( I think that's what Nick called them, the ones that shoot into the sky and explode like at fireworks show only these were a little smaller.) Cicily was scared of the noise they made though. Rocky though had to be held back a lot of the time because he wanted to hold and touch the fireworks. Oh I've now seen lightning bugs they are sooooo cool I love looking at them from my balcony. Cicily was scared of them at first but I've taught her that lightning bugs are pretty and she now says " pretty light bugs" . Potty training is going pretty good she went poop in the potty all by herself for the first time today. She got an Oreo for it. As long as she's half naked though she'll go potty all by herself all day. We've tried panties a couple times but she has accidents every time we'll keep trying though. We got her Tinkerbell panties, she loves them, they're so cute on her.
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