A few days back we had an awesome snow storm that gave us 17 in. of snow over night. I was very happy! After shoveling our way out of the drive way we went over to Mike and Mary's and we had some fun playing in the snow. Cicily didn't really like sledding at all, but she did like eating the snow. Her and her cousin Rachel were sitting and eating snow for like 20 min. after they helped their daddy's build a snowman.

Friday, December 3, 2010
It's a boy!
It's a boy! It was a lot of fun seeing him on the ultrasound in the first picture he is putting his fingers in his mouth he kept taking them out and putting them back in. It was adorable. The second picture makes it pretty obvious what he is. He was shy at the beginning and didn't want to let us know what he was, but after some persuasion from the ultrasound tech he let us know.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
My Sweet Husband and Daughter!
I'm feeling better finally! I hope I'm done with the morning sickness or I should say all day sickness. My husband was so sweet though I had to share, a couple weeks ago when I wasn't feeling so great I went over to his parents for the day with Cicily and he spent a few hours cleaning the house he did all the dishes which there was a lot! cleaned the whole kitchen the living room and the 2 bedrooms and Cicily had done a lot of decorating while I was sick. He also was able to find a job after looking for several weeks, he now works at Sports Authority. He's also been going to school this entire time and will graduate in December Hurray!!! Cicily has been so funny lately she wants to pick out her own clothes, and torments gammy's giant schnauzer which is around 70 lbs. with a pen light. She of course laughs the whole time. Earlier today she was coping daddy trying to throw food up in the air and catch it in her mouth it was hilarious she didn't catch a single piece in her mouth but her hair had a lot of cheese in it, and so did her lap. Oh and it's so cute Cicily says she's having a sister and she wants to carry around the ultrasound picture from the previous post. She says "I wana hold baby tummy" It's really cute. I love my two sweethearts.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Baby Number 2!
So we're a little scared but also excited. Baby number 2 is on the way. He or She will arrive in April so it's quite a way a way still but we like to get the word out early.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Cicily's Birthday!
I'm a little behind on my blogging, but that's ok. Cicily turned 2 last month and we had a party to celebrate. We invited several friends from the APX group out here in South Carolina, and Cicily had a lot of fun. We had Thaden over, but Rocky was sick so he wasn't able to come.
Another Princess Dress! Yay!
Thaden helped open the present he got for Cicily. Cicily loved it! It was a baby doll.
Loves the cheerleading dress, she wears it once a week.

Cicily loved her wings from Rocky and Andy.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
I know I've been horrible lately about updating our blog so let me tell ya what's been going on lately. We moved to our second apartment of the summer which also means we're half way done with our South Carolina trip. Cicily and I have been spending a lot more time out doors because it's not as hot here as it was in Columbia still hot though. We've done quite a bit of swimming and I'm starting to get rid of my farmers tan yay. Oh I've lost some weight too I don't know how much owing to the fact that I don't have a scale, but I'm down to a size 7 where I was a 10 before I left I'm very happy about that. My goal before I go back to Utah is a size 5 so not to lofty if I happen to lose more I wouldn't be unhappy though. :) 4th of July was fun, because it was Sunday so that meant that Nick was actually home yay! So we got to light off fireworks and we went to our new ward which is supper small, but everyone is very nice. I love the feeling of family you get from a small ward. Cicily had a hard time with the fireworks her favorites were the roman candles and the mortars( I think that's what Nick called them, the ones that shoot into the sky and explode like at fireworks show only these were a little smaller.) Cicily was scared of the noise they made though. Rocky though had to be held back a lot of the time because he wanted to hold and touch the fireworks. Oh I've now seen lightning bugs they are sooooo cool I love looking at them from my balcony. Cicily was scared of them at first but I've taught her that lightning bugs are pretty and she now says " pretty light bugs" . Potty training is going pretty good she went poop in the potty all by herself for the first time today. She got an Oreo for it. As long as she's half naked though she'll go potty all by herself all day. We've tried panties a couple times but she has accidents every time we'll keep trying though. We got her Tinkerbell panties, she loves them, they're so cute on her.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Hair Cut and Prayer
Cicily has been in need of a hair cut for awhile. It was to the point that it was starting to look like a mullet, and no one should have a mullet. So I cut her hair and let me tell you it was frustrating to cut a 22 month old girls hair. They don't hold still. ahhhhh! Luckily it turned out good.
And for about a week now she's been praying. I help out with the beginning and the end though. Yesterday though her prayer was so cute I had to share. It went like this:
I said: " Dear Heavenly Father, We thank thee for this day"
Cicily Said: " Dada home, Dopey home, Lella home (translation Cinderella), Peter Pan home, amen."
Soooo cute.
And for about a week now she's been praying. I help out with the beginning and the end though. Yesterday though her prayer was so cute I had to share. It went like this:
I said: " Dear Heavenly Father, We thank thee for this day"
Cicily Said: " Dada home, Dopey home, Lella home (translation Cinderella), Peter Pan home, amen."
Soooo cute.
Monday, May 10, 2010
South Carolina
Well we're all moved in to our new apartment. I LOVE IT! It's the biggest nicest apartment we've ever lived in. It has a screened in balcony so no bugs and Cicily has plenty of room to run around. We also live basically right next to the largest earthen dam in the US and we walk it about every other day. We live in the same building as Sireena and Robert, so Cicily and I hang out with Sireena and their kids quite often. There is a playground and a pool with a little kiddy area that's only 6 inches deep. Cicily loves them both. So we're doing really well here in Columbia. We took a few family pictures while we've been here too.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Hair Cut!
So I've always wanted to try and go red with my hair, but I've always been afraid to. Well today I got the courage and dyed my hair and chopped it off again. and here are the results.
We also had our last Sunday family dinner this week and we took a few pics of that as well.
We also had our last Sunday family dinner this week and we took a few pics of that as well.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Scaring mommy!
Cicily yesterday decide that putting car keys in an outlet seemed like the logical thing to do. Ya mommy didn't think so. It scared mommy pretty bad and grandma too. We have outlet covers on the outlets inside the house. We didn't really think the outlets on the outside of the house needed them perhaps we were wrong. Luckily the keys were the type that have a plastic head covering the key, she tried to put it in the small circle hole instead of the longer flat holes, and no one got hurt or even a shock. Angela gave the suggestion that she was creatively scaring us instead of saying boo.
Friday, April 9, 2010
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