The fourth of July has already come and gone and I haven't done a post for it yet so here it is. The 4th of July was a lot of fun. We went to the 3rd Ice age movie which Cicily had a hard time sitting though, but I quite enjoyed it, daddy was at work at the time. After that we played 500 on the trampoline with water balloons. Jenny and Beth got soaked!
Cicily really liked the water balloons too.
Then we had a BBQ for dinner hotdogs hamburgers the works it was really good.
Next we played croquet out back, and the little girls really wanted to play. Then while we were waiting for dark to light the fireworks the guys played tip-in while I got everyone homemade ice cream (I made it and it was amazing! Raspberry Cheesecake! Yumm!). We couldn't do the BarbieQ this year, because Jenny finaly ran out of Barbies we all knew this day would come so we sacrificed Conners stuffed Scorpion, and all toys are now afraid, and call us Sid. The Scorpion went well and stuffing flew everywhere.
The guys also did the annual jumping over the fireworks and dunking. And Cicily and Rachel really enjoyed the fireworks and were quite entertained. Rachel kept going ouuuu, and Cicily who nothing keeps her attention, the fireworks did.

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