It looks like we finally found an apartment! It's one that I've seen a few times, but we kept pushing it off looking for one that's closer. All the apartments we've looked at though are either to expensive, to far away, or you have to have a 7 month lease and we only want an apartment for 5 months. And this one works out to be a 5 month lease!

Monday, July 27, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Family Reunion!

This year my family reunion was a lot of fun! Well technically I guess they're always fun! This was Cicily's 2nd family reunion, the 1st one she was only like a month old though so it doesn't really count. She had a ton of fun this time though. We went to Anderson Ranch Reservoir in Idaho this year. Nick, Cicily, and I only had 2 days to play so we made the most of it. Nick went fishing both days and caught several Kokanee and one 21 3/4" Bull trout.
Cicily really liked camping! Her favorite part I think was all the dirt, because she was filthy from playing in it the entire time! She would carry around a cup and fill it with dirt, and then dump it out and refill it. Nick and I let her for the most part, because we figured we were going to the lake later anyway.
You're so filthy little girl!
The first day we played on the lake all day. My Uncle Brett (red shorts) restored this Catamaran just in time for the reunion. My cousin Janae and I got to go out on it's maiden voyage, and I just have to say it was "Totally Awesome!"

Cicily sleeping in her pack and play, hopefully she does in Florida.
The second day we went down to the Hot Pots. (Angela, Janae, the babies, and I.) It was fun almost all of them were to hot but we found one that was like bath water for the babies. They loved it! They splashed and played for quite awhile.

Then later we floated down the river in inner tubes twice and I jumped off the big rock into the river twice it was awesome!
Cicily really liked camping! Her favorite part I think was all the dirt, because she was filthy from playing in it the entire time! She would carry around a cup and fill it with dirt, and then dump it out and refill it. Nick and I let her for the most part, because we figured we were going to the lake later anyway.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Ice Cream and Fire Works!

The fourth of July has already come and gone and I haven't done a post for it yet so here it is. The 4th of July was a lot of fun. We went to the 3rd Ice age movie which Cicily had a hard time sitting though, but I quite enjoyed it, daddy was at work at the time. After that we played 500 on the trampoline with water balloons. Jenny and Beth got soaked!
Cicily really liked the water balloons too.
Then we had a BBQ for dinner hotdogs hamburgers the works it was really good.
Next we played croquet out back, and the little girls really wanted to play. Then while we were waiting for dark to light the fireworks the guys played tip-in while I got everyone homemade ice cream (I made it and it was amazing! Raspberry Cheesecake! Yumm!). We couldn't do the BarbieQ this year, because Jenny finaly ran out of Barbies we all knew this day would come so we sacrificed Conners stuffed Scorpion, and all toys are now afraid, and call us Sid. The Scorpion went well and stuffing flew everywhere.
The guys also did the annual jumping over the fireworks and dunking. And Cicily and Rachel really enjoyed the fireworks and were quite entertained. Rachel kept going ouuuu, and Cicily who nothing keeps her attention, the fireworks did.

Sunday, July 5, 2009
Today our little family decided to go to the cabin. We wanted to set up Nick's trail camera at the drip pond nearby so it would have time to catch some animals, before we go to Florida. We'll pick it up at the 24th of July party. Nick's family has up there every year. Cicily really enjoyed being up at the cabin. She liked watching the squirrels.
Here's Cicily pushing daddy on the swing.
Cicily helping Mommy ring the dinner bell.
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