Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Hair Cut and Prayer

Cicily has been in need of a hair cut for awhile.  It was to the point that it was starting to look like a mullet, and no one should have a mullet.  So I cut her hair and let me tell you it was frustrating to cut a 22 month old girls hair.  They don't hold still.  ahhhhh!  Luckily it turned out good. 

And for about a week now she's been praying.  I help out with the beginning and the end though.  Yesterday though her prayer was so cute I had to share.  It went like this:

I said: " Dear Heavenly Father, We thank thee for this day"

Cicily Said:  " Dada home,  Dopey home, Lella home (translation Cinderella), Peter Pan home, amen."

Soooo cute.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Oh my goodness, that is so cute. And I like when you said, "and no one should have a mullet." I miss that little girl.